December 4, 2009


Recession blues, it seems, are finally over. The signs of retreat are clearly visible at Shri Ram College of Commerce, where at the beginning of the placement season a student of BA (honours) economics has been offered an annual package of Rs 32 lakh — the highest ever in the history of the college — by a multinational bank. According to principal P C Jain, the placement season this time is going to be much better than last year, with 12 companies having already visited the college. ‘‘The average salary package being offered this time is Rs 7-8 lakh, which was hard to even think of last year. In fact, if I remember correctly, an offer this big has never been heard of in Delhi University before,’’ Jain said. This first-of-its-kind offer, from Deutsche Bank, has gone to Adit Mathur out of nearly 200 students from the economics batch. He is elated and looking forward to join the bank. ‘‘They have offered me a job in the global market division after training. I may be posted in London or Singapore. Though I did not really prepare for the placement season, I had worked really hard in academics,’’ he said. This alumnus of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Lodhi Estate, said he was upbeat about the placement season this year since the economic situation had started looking up. ‘‘I was also considering higher studies in economics as there is always an uncertainty about what to do after college. But I was sure the placements would be much better this year,’’ he said. The placement drive had begun in SRCC in mid-August. If placement cell officials are to be believed, this time many companies approached the college on their own, unlike last year when the college could manage to get only 15 companies. The highest offer last year was around Rs 10 lakh. However, this year, 13 companies have already visited the campus. ‘‘It is the first time Deutsche Bank has come to recruit undergraduate students in DU. The placement season has just begun and already McKinsey Knowledge Centre, Deloitte, Bain Capability Centre, Jaypee Capital, Futures First and Nomura have been here,’’ said placement coordinator Arpit Panjawani.

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