February 22, 2010

Freshers Job,Technical Interview & Aptitude Questions, Free Online Exam, Placement Papers,Interview & Resume Tips

Freshersonline.com has several technical interview questions to fresh engineering or entry level graduates. We have daily updated list of freshers job in software companies also.You can register to get the job alert by email. Freshers can find resources like interview Tips and with this valid interview tips you can confidently attend your interview. Follow and prepare with our Resume sample.A wide range of Aptitude questions will help you to break any aptitude exams and many more like Technical Questions including java interview questions, C++ interview questions, .Net interview questions, Oracle interview questions,Software testing interview questions and many more.
Subscribe our email job alert which help you to know first about freshers job openings,free!!. Subscribe for freshers job.

View Job Job alert About interview Build Resume Interview Questions

What we offer

Provide complete support to freshers for getting a job.Help includes interview tips, freshers job, job alert, quick learn , aptitude questions, interview questions,puzzles, etc in our site. Need more support , contact us.

Skills you shuould have.

As a Fresher or a recent passout, you should be good in aptitude, and able to solve puzzles & basic idea about programming languages like java,.net,C++ you can read our interview questions for this. These are mandatory skills, so no hesitation go ahead and learn Puzzles Questions & basic programming and aptitude (not all companies will concentrate on this).

Where I start with?

Hope you will be having a skill(eg:core java or C) be stick on that don't jump to some other skills, if you are looking for an entry level job. Even if you don't have any of the skills..... NO worries !!! only few steps to win

Learn the basics of programming (not language level but logic of programming)
Exercise Puzzles Example ,Aptitude Questions…….do more work on this
Read article about Group Discussion and practice (debate with your freinds).
Make a good resume.
Read more in your skills area…try to learn new things
Now you are ready for interview ..read interview tips, by the time you would have got atleast daily freshers job alerts from our site.

What next?

Read interview questions and rate your self.
Exercise puzzles aptitude and rate yourself.
You would have developed good discussion skill from your friends.
See you resume, whether it describes all your quality.
Update to knowledge in the skill area…

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