February 18, 2010

Prepare for your initial meeting with the organization by reviewing the project description, looking into the activities of the organization and speaking with your co-bonos about their understanding of the work and possible scheduling conflicts.

A well defined project is essential for a stress-free placement. Make sure you get as much detail from your supervisor as you need and ask questions as soon as they arise.

The work plan is your tool for managing expectations and setting clear goals - use it! Try and schedule meetings with your supervisor in advance so that you have deadlines to work towards.

Be a self-starter - we try and design good placements, but we depend on your initiative and creativity to make them great!

During the placement...
Do the time. If you consistently put in 3 hours per week your project will not overwhelm you at the end of the term.

For a research based placement, make sure you do a general search of existing resources before you embark on your own work. Use the library and internet, look to plain language guides from other jurisdictions and ask the student coordinators if you get stuck.

Work with your co-bonos! Meet regularly and try to divide the work according to each of your strengths.

Consider a setting a regular weekly time for you to work in the organization's office, if appropriate - this can be an easy way to stay on track and make sure you put in the time (with no homework!). Particularly good for placements that require ongoing supervisor input.

Keep the supervising lawyer in the loop and tap into their expertise whenever you can. If they can't answer your questions ask them if they know of a colleague who can. Remember that the project is your responsibility however, and be considerate of other people's time.

In the end...
Make sure that ALL of your assigned work is done before completing an assignment. If you anticipate that you will not be able to finish please let your supervisor and PBSC Coordinators know in advance so they will be able to plan accordingly and perhaps provide you with additional support.

At the end of the school year PBSC will distribute final evaluations to you and to your supervisor. You are responsible for returning your evaluation to the PBSC office; your placement is not finished until you have completed this step.

PGDM-2nd sem

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