February 22, 2010

Placement Managers


EWB-UK's Placements are made possible by our Placement Managers. Under the guidance and support of the Placements Team, each Placement Manager is appinted a Partner Organisation with whom they work to create a new EWB-UK Placement.

Role Summary

EWB-UK Placement Managers are volunteers based in the UK who help deliver a placement with a Partner Organisation
They work with the Partner Organisation to define what the volunteer will be doing, how much it will cost, and the logistics of getting a volunteer out to the placement
They then help EWB-UK select volunteers by organising interviews, and selecting the most suitable volunteer
Finally they carry out monitoring of the welfare of the the volunteer during the placement, act as a conduit for queries from the volunteer, and evaluate the placement
To carry out these tasks, EWB-UK provides them training in preparing placement proposal and in interviewing
They gain an understanding of international development, of planning and supporting a placement, of recruitment and people management, of working with people from different cultures and experience of delivering something that makes a difference to people's lives.
The role requires a couple of hours per week although the work tends to concentrate around Oct-Dec and Mar-Apr
EWB-UK asks Placement Managers to commit to continuing in their post for 1 year, although some of our Placement Managers choose to continue beyond this
For further info, read the (mis-titled, but still relevant) role description

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