March 11, 2010

Private placement programs normally involve trading medium term notes, bank guarantees or T-Bills.It's illegal for financial institutions to invest their own money, therefore, outside money from private investors and companies is needed. Private placement programs are not always available, they open and close all the time and it's very difficult to find a performing trade.There aren't many genuine private placement programs in the world.Private placement programs are high returing programs associated with humanatarian projects. When private placement programs first came about it was compulsory that the investors gave a of their profits to humanatarian projects. These days there are more programs about and it is likely that you don't have to give any of your profits to humantarian projects. Some traders deduct a small amount prior to you getting your money and have their own projects.Private placement programs provide traders with fresh cut issues of MTNs, BGs or T-Bills that produce significant profits. This is the first tier. They go in cycles and each time they sell for more and more. For example, I run a wholesalers selling something that's very difficult to obtain. I sell the product to a wholsaler and agree a percentage each time he sells it on and as it goes from one wholesaler to another it increases in value and once it reaches the end retail client it's at its highest. Only a few select number of high level traders have acces to these programs. Traders like European banks better then US banks as the leverages are 20:1 and in the US it's normally 10:1. Traders prefer Euro banks for a number of reason not just becasue they are more lucrative.Private placement programs are very dificult to find and contrary to what you may believe, not many people have access to them and this doesn't reflect the number of people offering private placements on the net.Many potential investors have been looking for PPPs for years and have had no success.They have wasted large sums of money by sending MT-760s and the supposed traders have not been able to perform.Private placement programs are without risk as the credit line raised agaisnt the investors funds is underwritten by the trading group, they use their own credit facility.The procedures are standard. You will need to submit a CIS along with POF and a copy of your pasport. You will then go through compliance. Despite what some people claim, the trader does not have the time to talk to people and even the princicples, program manager and compliance have to book to talk to him and have a set length of time to say what ever they need to.

1 comment:

  1. 1. PLACEMENT € 10B
    2. COVERED BY BG €10B
    4. BLOCKED FUND IN ACC. € 20 B
    6. PROFIT UPTO 25℅ x €10B /wk
    8. PROFIT SHARE 50.50 With Provider.
    please mail KYC Pack to

    adi kwok.
