March 30, 2010


Work experience is a burgeoning sector of the study abroad industry and a client requesting "work experience" might have only a vague notion about the type of programme they require.

Programmes can be divided into definite sub-sectors, depending on whether a student expects payment or not, for example.

The Global Work Experience Association (Gwea) has recently developed International Standards for Programmes available across the sector, in which work experience programmes have been categorised into four types: internships, volunteer programmes, work & study programmes and working holiday programmes.

These distinctions make it much easier for students to decide which placement is best suited to their individual needs.


Classic internships have traditionally been the main focus of the work experience sector. Gwea's manual defines the internship as "a temporary, supervised, practical experience programme in which a young person, usually a college or university student, carries out a training experience in a temporary position at a host company".

These placements are unpaid but usually directly related to a student's field of studies or future career aspirations, so students can gain relevant hands-on experience. Another advantage of these programmes is that it is usually easier for students to secure visa entrance for unpaid work placements in another country, making them accessible to a wider range of nationalities.

Many internship providers offer a wide range of placements. Jill Arcaro-Gordon at Best Programs in Spain, says, "The fields that we have a lot of interest in are business related, such as marketing, import/export, finance, consulting, information technology, public relations, etc".

However, placements are not limited to this area; Jean-Paul Barsoum at the Alpha College of English in Ireland, has organised placements "for a number of more specialist areas: chemical engineering, shoe design, cosmetics, manufacturing [and] microbiology". With a little bit of research and the help of an agent, students should be able to find an internship to suit their interests and aspirations.

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