March 11, 2010

Proper Placement of Escort Cards

Escort cards are small cards that let guests at a formal dinner or reception know where they are assigned to sit (usually by table number). While using escort cards is often seen as an unneeded hassle, it is a tradition that shows respect for guests and adds an extra finishing touch to many occasions. When using escort cards, there can also be place cards at each guest's place at the table to mark their exact seat.

On a Tray

Traditionally, escort cards were distributed on silver trays. The hostess would arrange the cards in alphabetical order on the tray beforehand and then shortly before dinner was to begin, a server would walk around with the tray and each guest would take his or her own card from it. This is still a nice way to do it if you have someone who can carry around the tray, although often extra help is in short supply. One of the biggest benefits of this method is that it does not take up any extra room in the main party space. The cards do not require a table or other display space. They can rest in another room until needed and then the tray can be hidden out of the way again when the guests have all received their cards.

On a Table

If you do not have a server to offer around a tray of cards, or do not wish to use that method, a table can also be set up. The cards should be arranged in alphabetical order neatly on the table so that all names can be read easily and a clear label should be put on the table explaining what the cards are (perhaps with a map of the tables in the dining room). If the cards are going to be decorative or replaced with small trinkets (like candles or ornaments), make sure that guests know whether they can take the objects and that even if the "cards" are arranged in some decorative way (such as on a small tree), they are organized alphabetically

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